Monday, November 28, 2011

Commenter FAQs - Bump In The Road Edition

Image courtesy of
  We answer a number of reader submitted questions about domestic discipline.  You can read this article on our new website by clicking here.

Friday, November 18, 2011


A How To Guide To Domestic Discipline Boot Camp is now available! After much anticipation, the book is now available for download. But, before you purchase, here are a few things you should know.
  • The book is currently only available as an e-book download. This means it is not yet available in paperback format, but if all goes according to plan, it will be hopefully within the next few months. If you're interested in purchasing it in paperback format, please let me know, so I know approximately how many copies to have made.
  • With the e-book download, it can be read directly on your computer, your phone (assuming it's a smartphone), your Nook/Kindle/iPad or other reading device as long as it can support the Adobe Digital Reader application. This application is free to download, and you can download it at the same time you download the e-book.
  • The e-book IS copyright protected and CAN NOT be transferred, copied, or otherwise distributed to anyone else aside from you (the purchaser). Lulu (the host publisher site) has a feature that protects the distribution of the book to people who hadn't purchased it, and people who are breaking the copyright law. Please don't make a poor decision and please do the honorable thing.
  • After purchase, the book will download immediately.
How To Purchase:

  To purchase A How To Guide To Domestic Discipline Boot Camp simply click here. You can also purchase it by going to Lulu's website and searching "domestic discipline boot camp" and clicking on it from there.

What is the book?

  A lot of people, across a lot of different blogs, from all over the world, and from all different backgrounds, have inquired about domestic discipline boot camp. However, it's such a complex topic that I felt it would be best to put the information into a book (because, individually sending everyone a 40+ page document just wasn't possible). So, I wrote a pretty detailed (pretty much as detailed as it gets, actually) account of how I recommend boot camp be done. The book features things like what boot camp is, how to get started with boot camp, boot camp punishments and homework assignments, and much more. It should answer all your questions regarding domestic discipline boot camp.


  If you have any questions about how to purchase the book, feel free to contact us at We can help you with downloading or purchasing issues, or anything else you might need. 

  Also, here are a few posts from various bloggers throughout the blogosphere who have conducted their own boot camp experience:

Princess' experience from It's Tough Being a Princess
Christina's experience from Red Booty Woman

Enjoy the book and best of luck with boot camp!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Commenter FAQs - Spanking Edition

Image courtesy of Colorado Spankers.
We answer a number of reader submitted questions about spanking.  You can read this post on our new website by clicking here.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thank You - Love Our Lurkers Day!

Image courtesy of My Bottom Smarts.
  We take a moment to celebrate our silent readers in a day dedicated to them - Love Our Lurkers Day.  You can read this article on our new website by clicking here

Monday, November 7, 2011

What IS and What IS NOT Domestic Discipline

Image courtesy of
We outline many things that do and do not fall in line with what domestic discipline is all about.  You can read this article on our new website by clicking here.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

November Couples Challenge: Gratitude

Image courtesy of
We challenge couples to outline several things they're thankful to have in their daily lives.  You can read this article on our new website by clicking here.

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