We kicked off the month of May with a brand new free download! The LDD Domestic Discipline Punishment Journal example and template are now available to download for free by clicking here. If there's anything else you missed this week, we'll get you all up to speed with the latest LDD content.
Mailbag Monday: Week 5 - We answered questions about the best way to bring DD into an established relationship, whether or not DD can be effective without spankings involved, and we addressed a question about punishing children in this week's edition of Mailbag Monday.
Domestic Discipline Punishment Journals - In our latest free LDD download series, we explain what domestic discipline journals are and Chelsea goes into detail about a recent punishment in the downloadable journal example and template file.
Five Things Friday: Birthday Celebration Edition! - Two spankings, a long lost spanking implement found, and a year old blogland post that every wife wanting DD should read. Oh, and let us not forget, Chelsea's birthday was Friday as well! Kool & the Gang came to the party, and we all brought our good times, and our laughter too!
- The LDD Springtime Promos offer TWO exciting new products! Check out what's new! (Promos end on June 1st, 2013)
- Our 2nd Learning Domestic Discipline newsletter was sent out this past Friday with an exciting announcement. Learning Domestic Discipline will be offering podcasts beginning soon! Stay tuned for more information.
- Voting for the first ever domestic discipline retreat location is underway. Where do you want the LDD Retreat to be held? Click here to vote!
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