Saturday, March 9, 2013

Domestic Discipline Contracts/Agreements (with free downloads!)


We explain what domestic discipline contracts are and provide two example contract templates that can be downloaded to your computer for free.

 Download your free domestic discipline contract examples by clicking here.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing this.
I love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Stumbled on this site while bored. I accept all lifestyles and the such, and this is actually really forward thinking and interesting. Certainly a unique spin on how two people can live cooperatively and happily if this is something they both feel is right for them. Obviously, a lot of work has been put into all of this... amazing I did not know this existed.

I wonder if this'll get my comment insta-deleted (I hope not, that'd be most disappointing and basically toss away my good perceptions), but I have to ask... can women be HoH, is that the reason you use such a term? I hope so... this could be very dangerous if there is something inherently sexist about it (not saying there is - that's why I'm asking).

Are you also open to gay couples using this format for their relationships? I mean, not that you could STOP them, persay, but I think you know what I mean.

And finally, can any particular faith participate with the community on this site?

Really find this fascinating and it speaks to me on many different levels, I think... I almost feel like maybe I shouldn't post this, but oh well.

Again, no disrespect intended. Congratulations on how much you've grown this project!

Learning Domestic Discipline said...

@katherinedeane - You're most welcome. We hope you enjoy them and we hope they're helpful to you.

Thank you for the love as well! We certainly appreciate your support. All the best to you.

@Anonymous - We allow many comments through as long as the opinions are expressed halfway respectfully, even when those comments are in disagreement with us or the lifestyle in general. I appreciate you expressing yourself and asking your questions respectfully.

Yes, absolutely the woman in the relationship can be the HoH if that's how the couple chooses to live the DD dynamic. Domestic discipline relationships with the female as the HoH are commonly referred to as "Female Led Relationships", or FLRs.

We don't see any reason why a gay couple could not practice domestic discipline. As long as it's consensual and makes the couple happy, their sexual orientation is irrelevant as far as we're concerned.

Personally, we feel any religion can practice domestic discipline. Again, so long as the practice is consensual between partners, their religious beliefs and/or background really doesn't play a big factor into the grand concept of DD, nor the primary purpose its generally practiced.

We appreciate you acknowledging the time and effort put in the blog, and the new website. We encourage you to visit the new site,, which launched in December of 2012 to see the new and improved look of LDD.

I hope I've answered all of your questions, and if you have more, please don't hesitate to ask. Wishing you and yours nothing but the best.

-- Clint

Anonymous said...

Hello. Im 22 married pregnant and have a young baby. Im usually really dominant and control the relationship. Buy Iwant to submit to my husband. I need one on one help. Is there an email Adress I can email and talk in private so u can help me

Learning Domestic Discipline said...

@Anonymous - Yes, of course. You can contact either myself or my wife (Chelsea) at contact (at) learningdd (dot) com.

-- Clint

Anonymous said...

I have found this to be very interesting for years. I am married with two children. He is 36 and I am 32. He is very much the dominant one. I have never expressed my interest in DD to him. I know he would be interested. What are your thoughts?

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